Friday, 26 July 2013

Youtube opening After the ramzan

Goverment order the PTA to open the yoututbe after the eid ul fitr in pakistan i thing it's not a soloution to closed the youtube or open it .. we need to make a law in our country not to publish these types of things and PTA sensor these things . if they can't do that and our PTa not take acction on it then we will need to block the youtube google and facebook permenetallu in pakitan agree ??

AMIr liAQaT insUlted TAhir shah ..

Aamir Liaqat invited Taher Shah in his show and insulted him badly in the holy month of Ramadan. What type of religious personality is Aamir ? Shame on him. 

At least Taher Shah didn't break anyone's heart.
Taher is 100% better person than Amir Li


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