Sunday, 28 July 2013

What Is forex trading ?

                              Forex basics knowledge 

Hello folks welcome to my blog . i share a some thing with those who want to join forex and want to learn about it become success full trader obviously . They should need a must knowledge according to me if you got a knowledge about any thing any work then it's goes more and more easy for you so we will start to know about trading what is it and how can we make money from trading forex trading ... 

what is forex trading with full history  ...

forex is a foreign currency exchange market . through forex you can make money by exchange currency and gold oil and etc.. it's established in 1973 in another sites dates are change but i thing according to my analysis and according to my knowledge it's established in 1973 .

Butt the first major transformation the bretton wood accords occured toward the end of world war 2 And time to time this bussnice is going to strong and good and many peoples join it ..

what type of work is it ?? 

I will tell you about this work and how can we make and earn money with this business .. it's a business in which you need to invest and like stock exchange buy the shares of gold dollars and etc it's a risky but amazing business risk is a part of life and in any business you must need to take risk but if you are not have much more money the you can join forum there are too many forum online on forum you can post comments and get bonus that bonus you can used on trading to make money but all these steps before doing you will learn about this business and got experience used demo accounts to learn then start real trade and make money without learning not start trading .....

Trader how can success full ??

This forex trading is not so much difficult every one can make money and earn profit but why we not earn because we all peoples are done a same mistakes that's why we are failed and got loss and loss .. we need to improved our self how ?? by trade on demo account and by learn from your mistakes for example you got loss and you are feeling bad that you got loss as compare to feeling bad we should need to take loss as a lesson and learn from mistakes then you will got easy got success just implement it and see where you gone now ...
                                  ANY ONE WANT TO BE A TRADER AND LEARN
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                                                                LEARN EVERY THING